The public relations department of the company
sent an invitation to all employees by e-mail urg-
ing them to participate in the campaign, through a
demonstration showing the benefits of blood do-
nation represented in reassurance on health and
getting rid of headaches, decreasing blood pressure,
and reducing the risk of dangerous blood clots.
Staff were also made aware of the donation
conditions related to health and bodily integrity
aspects as well as the procedures to be followed
after donation, which are summed up in avoiding
smoking for at least one hour before and after the
donation, fluid intake and avoiding using the arm
that has been used in blood taking in carrying heavy
objects for 12 hours
Al Ain Distribution Company
organizes a blood donation
campaign in collaboration with
the Tawam Hospital
Al Ain Distribution organizes an
awareness lecture to the staff of
Al Ain Municipality
In cooperation with Tawam Hospital and Johns Hopkins, Al Ain
Distribution Company organized a blood donation campaign
for three days of April 2012. This campaign came within the
framework of the annual program supporting the humanitarian
activities aiming at serving the community. The blood donation
vehicle existed in the headquarter equipped with all necessary
supplies and medical equipment for the process of donation.
Al Ain Distribution Company organized an awareness lecture on the rationalization of the
consumption of water and electricity. This lecture targets government bodies, institutions,
hotels, and various social categories starting from the staff of the western sector of Al Ain
Municipality, on last march in the region of Al Maqam , in order to raise the level of culture
of rationalization and emphasize the importance of conserving these resources during the
official working hours.
Mr. Mohammed Bin Omair Al Shamsi, Managing Director of Al Ain
Distribution Company, said that Al Ain Distribution launched several
initiatives to expand the scope of the campaign of energy and water
rationalization which targeted all segments of society, including school
students, parents and domestic workers. We currently focus our efforts on
the staff of all departments and government institutions, as a result of our
commitment to make everyone aware of the importance of protecting our
natural resources from waste and in order to reach practical solutions in
the rationalization of water and electricity consumption for all members
of society.
The aim of this lecture is to change the daily habits and behaviors of staff
during the practices of their duties on a daily basis, as the lecture explained
the possibility of the staff contribution to reduce the consumption of
electricity by following simple steps such as extinguished the computer
after the end of using it, and through the officials making sure that the
cleaners have turn off lighting and air-conditioners after official work
hours. Moreover, the staff of the company has also distributed leaflets
and brochures to educate the staff the importance of rationalization and
preserving these resources from waste.
Activities & Events
Activities & Events
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