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May, 2 2021 Views: 3183
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AADC organized a virtual Ramadan forum under the title “Ramadan’s gathering isdifferent”, in the presence of AADC managing director, Ali Al Sheryani, Operationsexecutive manager, Bader Al Thehli, beside a number of directorate and departmentmanagers and employees.The organization of the Annual Ramadan Forum comes due to the importance ofsocial gatherings, which reflects the keenness to strengthen social relations amongemployees away from the daily routine of work and also a family-like atmospherethat enshrines the concept of harmony and social cohesion.In addition, AADC is always keen to organize such internal events amongstemployees in order to raise the employee engagement which in turn increases theefficiency and effectiveness of work performance, increases productivity, improvesservices, and worksin a positive environment inspired by a team spirit.AADC Managing Director extended his congratulations to all AADC family in theoccasion of the holy month Ramadan, then he praised the employees’ commitmentto precautionary procedures that implemented by AADC in response to thegovernment directions to stop the spread of Covid-19 virus. Also, Al Sheryanistated that everyone should work together to educate all the society during thistime and covid-19 vaccine is the solution to return life to normal and to protectourselves, families and community. Moreover, he urged all employees to hurry andtake the vaccine to support our country efforts in fighting coronavirus. At the end,he praised and thanked all employees specially those who work in the field for alltheir hard work wishing them continued health and safety.In addition, all others participated managers exchanged Ramadan greetings, ideasand suggestions with employees, in order to increase communication betweenemployees in the current circumstances.

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